Someone once said: "If you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door."
NOT TRUE! First you have to let the world KNOW you have a better mousetrap. Then you may have to convince them that they HAVE mice!
A better website will market your business, educate your customers about key benefits, and MORE!
We believe there is a difference between a "website" and a "successful on-line presence." If your website is not making you money, and/or saving you money, it is simply costing you money!
We ensure that YOUR website becomes an invaluable tool for your business by implementing some, or all, of the following components:
Implementing a Web Strategy
We start with a Strategy Session and together we focus not on what your website should look like, but on what it should DO for you and your business. We utilize our M.A.G.I.C. Marketing formula and other analysis tools to plan the optimum website for your business... We review the 6 purposes of a website and implement the ones that make sense for YOUR business.
On-Going Support
We offer a website maintenance program which make it OUR job to ensure you website is up to date and updated enough to keep your market interested. By making us your out-sourced Internet Technology department, your business becomes our business - ensuring your website is managed and maintained according to your strategy as your business grows and evolves.
"A website is never completed, it is abandoned."
A website is a work in progress and is meant to grow and develop as your business does. It also needs to keep up with a changing market & technology. We keep your website dynamic by laying the foundation, then continuing to adapt it to the ever-changing needs of your business.
Cost-Effective Web Solutions
If you have ever had a webmaster go "AWOL" on you, there are now tools available to put the control in YOUR hands. We don't necessarily recommend this unless you have the time or interest, but you can actually build a website yourself with these tools. What we do recommend is to consult with us so we can find the best tools for you, possibly assist you in setting up your website (saving you the upfront time and learning curve) AND can show you how to update the information yourself if you so choose... We look for the best options for your business and your situation.