During 2021 I focused on providing 2 types of webinars:
NOTE: I am so GRATEFUL to have been able to be of service to so many great professionals. I was able to find a personal charm to send them and asked them to send a photo and what their biggest take away from being part of the Mastermind Master Classes. Hover over a photo and see what they said...
Kay: "biggest take away from whatsinitforU.com is moving my business website to Duda. I no longer need a web person to manage my website! I can do it myself."
Juan: "biggest takeaway from whatsinitforU.com is the creation of his teaching platform (juans art academy)"
"I have loved becoming part of your tribe. The women in the group are amazing and I’m glad to continue to see everyone at PWN. The best part about the MM was having you researched the different tools and sharing their capabilities. I enjoy learning tools but don’t have the curiosity bug you do."
"Although I had some marketing knowledge I'm very pleased that I increased my skill level and gained additional valuable knowledge. All of this helped me gain confidence to navigate social media marketing to the point that I am able to assist others. I'm not afraid to make a mistake or explore an app or technique to possibly further my business reach. Thank you Susan for your professionalism and knowledge that moved me to the next level."
We offer a FREE of your website potential.