Is your Website Costing you Business or Creating More?
It might be time for a website evaluation to make sure your website is NOT committing one of
The 5 Deadly Sins of Internet Marketing:
- Out-of-Sight: Your website should be listed in Google, other search engines & business directories. We can run a report to see if you are listed and listed correctly.
- Out-of-Date:
Your business is likely adjusting to a changing market and your website should do the same. Keeping your website content current and fresh is critical. It also should include current testimonials and reviews because what others say about us is MORE important than what we say about ourselves.
- Out-of-Touch: Website should be more than static brochures on-line. Widgets such as chat-bots, interactive forms & video can help connect with potential customers 24/7. It all starts with our signature M.A.G.I.C. Marketing formula
- Out-of-Mind: You should have a way to reconnect with site visitors so when they do need your products or services, they will remember you. There are time saving systems designed to keep you connected via social media, email & text.
- Out-of-Compliance:
ADA protections apply to websites. An easy to install, affordable widget will make it easier for you to do business with those who are visually, hearing, or motor impaired. Plus you will be less susceptible to fines and lawsuits.
Please feel free to forward this page to any other business owner who you think might be interested. I am doing something REALLY special for the TOP referrer!
Request your FREE Website Analysis & Digital Diagnostic Reports
We are excited to offer you:
- FREE Website Analysis with tips on how to increase your click-to-call ratio
- FREE Digital Diagnostic (to make sure you are up-to-date on technology)
- FREE Audit Reports & tips (to show where you can improve your visibility on the WWW)
Submit your request by February 28
and you will will be entered into our
drawing for a $500 Promo Package.