ADA Compliance

The Hi-Tech Division of XLeration Services

Digital Accessibility


Digital accessibility is to the digital world what ramps and rails are to the physical world. Digital accessibility allows individuals that rely on the use of Assistive Technology, or AT, such as screen readers, to access and consume digital content.

The problem is that if your website is not compliant with regulations and laws relating to digital accessibility, your business is open to a legal demand relating to digital accessibility.

You need an ongoing solution and not just a quick fix.


GOOD NEWS! I have become a partner with AudioEye to offer a COST-EFFECTIVE solution to this issue. Please make note of this two key factors in selecting this solution for my clients:
  1. It is EFFECTIVE! Nothing can prevent someone taking legal actions against you. However, by demonstrating that you have implemented a compliance toolset, you are less likely to be susceptible to this. 
  2. It is AFFORDABLE! Fees start as a little as $10/month so it is an affordable stop-gap solution and one less thing to worry about. Time to implement necessary compliance changes will depend on the size of and complexity of your website but as least you will know, right? 
Check out this video to learn more....


AudioEye offers several options starting for as little as $10/month! Let's schedule a time to take a look at your website and review the best fit for you.

Next Step:

Schedule your FREE 
Digital Diagnostic Review

CLICK to Schedule

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